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As is the custom this time of year, FedEx has announced its annual GRI. The parcel shipping provider will be charging more for its Express, Ground, and Freight Services. The following new rates will go into effect on January 7, 2019.

  • FedEx Express, Ground, and Home Delivery rates will increase by 4.9% on average, the same rate as in 2018. FedEx Freight rates within the U.S., and between the U.S. and Canada and Mexico, will go up even more, by 5.9%.
  • Many Surcharges will increase as well. As two examples, the Express Freight Surcharge will increase from $140 to $175 per handling unit, with the Additional Handling Surcharge increasing from $12 to $13.50.

As we always say, it is important to note that these stated increases are simply averages. There’s lots more to the story…

Click Here to read our complete analysis of the 2019 FedEx GRI.

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