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truck on a highway

Is US Infrastructure Falling Apart at the Seams?

Millions of Americans, as well as the entire U.S. economy, rely on the nation’s transportation infrastructure daily. Unfortunately, it’s a network that needs some serious attention. Many of America’s roads, rails, and bridges were built during a time when cars…

Retailers: Do You Need to Add Another DC?

Retailers: Do You Need to Add Another DC?

As ecommerce booms, customers are becoming more accustomed to a quick delivery turnaround. Companies like Amazon, which can deliver certain items within a few hours, have only added to the expectations. These expectations have carried through to the B2B world…

Amazon Keeps Upping Its Seller Fees

Amazon Keeps Upping Its Seller Fees

Ready to pay more? If you are an Amazon seller who uses the company’s marketplace to sell merchandise, you might want to rethink your storage and inventory process. In an effort to improve inventory management and fulfillment cost efficiency, the…

Freight pallets

What’s the role of EDI and APIs in Logistics?

A popular debate happening around the logistics industry is about what’s better, EDI or API? There is no shortage of opinions on the topic being written in articles and discussed by panels at trade shows. The truth is, both technologies…

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