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UPS has made the following announcement regarding the Peak Season Surcharges that went into effect on April 12, 2020.

The forthcoming percentage increases to the existing surcharges are significant, with the highest being almost 83% (from $.45 per to $.71 per lb. for Worldwide Expedited from China Mainland to the US).

From the UPS website:

Effective May 24, 2020 until further notice, the amount of the Peak Surcharges applied to shipments from China Mainland and Hong Kong SAR to the U.S. will increase, as market conditions have continued to evolve with the ongoing coronavirus situation. The Peak Surcharge applied to international shipments from all other origins will continue to apply.

You can read the complete announcement here:

Contact us at to receive a custom analysis of what the GRI, and all the recent UPS and FedEx 2020 Peak Season Surcharges, will mean to your company. Your personalized report will detail the cost impact TO YOU. It will include all of the current fees and surcharges from both UPS and FedEx.

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