In January’s Let’s Talk Ship webinar, Kent Williams, EVP of Sales and Marketing at TransImpact partner Averitt Express, joined our EVP of Sales and Marketing Jamie Vogel. They discussed what’s really going on with capacity, rates, and carrier service performance at this late stage in the pandemic, the future trends in shipping, including technology, as well as ways companies can get their freight shipping operation tuned up for 2022.
Here are three key takeaways from this episode:
- Challenges from 2021 that will continue into 2022: an acute shortage of drivers; space shortages at distribution centers, warehouses, and everything else on the West Coast; strained rail and truck capacity; equipment shortages: tractors, trailers, forklifts, materials handling.
- One big action shippers can take in 2022 is to lean hard into creative, innovative and strategic partnerships that can reach across their entire supply chain.
- Shippers also need to be a good partner to their carriers. Carriers will take care of the shippers they have the most robust partnerships with, versus more transactional business.