Join TransImpact Partner Relations Managers Danielle Crump and Laura Zimmerman as they kick off the holiday season with “12 Days of Overcoming Objections.” This 12-day video series, running from 12/1–12/16, will highlight the most common objections you may hear regarding TransImpact’s Parcel Advisory Solution and give you the language and psychological approach to best overcome them.
Day 1
How to overcome time & timing objections.
Day 2
How to overcome timing of carrier agreements.
Day 3
How to overcome a prospect who just negotiated with their carrier.
Day 4
How to overcome a prospect who is growing or adding a new product line.
Day 5
How to overcome a prospect who says that they have a great relationship with their carrier and are not looking to change anything.
Day 6
How to overcome a prospect who says that they can negotiate better agreements on their own.
Day 7
How to overcome a prospect who tells you that they are already working with someone in this space.
Day 8
Today we want to address something that we hear quite frequently from our prospects. Imagine you are talking with one of your shipper clients about a partner you have in the logistics space. They seem interested in learning more, but when you explain TransImpact's process and the data needed to run the free analysis, they tell you that they cannot share their shipping data. This is a common misconception and one that can be easily overcome.
Day 9
"We already have great rates."
As we mentioned in some of our earlier videos, most objections that you will come across can be broken down into three categories: Time and Timing, Need and Carrier Excuses, and Money and Cost. Today we want to spend some time on an objection that you may hear as it relates to need.
Day 10
Letting TransImpact run that initial analysis will let them know if there are even any savings on the table and if so, how much. Once we establish that there is an opportunity to partner together, then TransImpact can address the pricing structure with your client in a way that makes sense for both parties.
Day 11
If you have joined us for previous episodes, you know that we have looked to provide you with talking points for some of the most common objections that you may encounter in discussions with your prospects about their small parcel spend and TransImpact’s solutions.
Let’s say you have explained our business model to your prospect and when they hear that the agreement is for three years, they push back saying three years is too long. How would you overcome that?
Day 12
We often hear from our prospects that our parcel solutions seem too good to be true. And you may hear something similar from your shipper clients. It seems hard to believe that we run our initial analysis free of charge. How would you respond if your client said to you, “is the analysis really free?”
By running an up front, no cost, no obligation analysis on your prospects small parcel spend, we can see if their current agreement is market appropriate or if there are any savings left on the table. It really is that simple!
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